A Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR) is a certified survey plan that outlines the boundaries of a property and the location of any buildings or features that are close to or on those boundaries. It can help property owners understand their property’s limits, use it for discussions with neighbors or legal purposes, and find any easement and also  determine the location and size of new structures .

Altimap Land Surveyors can help complete SRPRs efficiently, and provide expert assistance with any property or project issues. The SRPR includes a legal survey and a reporting letter outlining any discovered issues.


A Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR) with topographic information includes all the components of a Legal Survey and adds more details such as elevation information across the property, the location of trees on the surveyed property and adjacent city-owned property, road and lane information, above-ground services, and the delineation of hardscape like sidewalks and driveways. This additional information can be useful for various purposes, such as planning for construction projects, grading issues, and property values.

A Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR) with topographic information includes all the components of a Legal Survey and adds more details such as elevation information across the property, the location of trees on the surveyed property and adjacent city-owned property, road and lane information, above-ground services, and the delineation of hardscape like sidewalks and driveways. This additional information can be useful for various purposes, such as planning for construction projects, grading issues, and property values.


Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR) with topographic information is required to obtain a Garden and Lane Suite Permit from the city. This type of survey provides detailed information about the property, including elevations, trees, road and lane information, above-ground services, and hardscape delineation, which can be important for determining the feasibility and requirements of a garden or lane suite project. The SRPR can also help ensure that the new structure is being built within the property boundaries and adheres to local regulations


  • A Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR) with topographic information is required to obtain a Garden and Lane Suite Permit from the city. This type of survey provides detailed information about the property, including elevations, trees, road and lane information, above-ground services, and hardscape delineation, which can be important for determining the feasibility and requirements of a Renovation and addition permit project. The SRPR can also help ensure that the new structure is being built within the property boundaries and adheres to local regulations.


The Builder’s Package Survey offered by Altimap land surveyors includes pre-construction stage services such as a Surveyor’s Real Property Report with a Topographic information Plan and a Site and Grading Plan. During the construction stage, surveyors provide services such as stakeout for excavation, pinning footings, and a final as-built survey. The services are designed to ensure compliance with local regulations and zoning laws and ensure the site is developed according to the plans and specifications.


A site and grading plan is a detailed drawing that shows the layout of a property, including structures, driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, landscaping, and other features. It also includes information on the contours of the land, existing and proposed elevations, drainage patterns, and other relevant details. The plan is typically used to guide construction and ensure that the site is developed in compliance with local regulations and zoning laws.


Building a swimming pool in certain municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area, Halton, and Peel regions requires a backyard site grading plan and permit plans to maintain original water discharge patterns and comply with regulations. Altimap Land surveyors provides pool permit survey services that help ensure compliance with building by-laws and avoid delays by collecting topographic information, designing a self-contained grading plan, and understanding the varying requirements of each municipality. In addition, it is important to consider property lines, easements, and setbacks when selecting a location for the pool.


Altimap Land Surveyors provide Residential Construction Layout services including excavation stakeout, pinning footings, final as-built survey, and grading and landscaping layout. The final survey ensures that the walls were built according to plan, and the grading is compliant with by-law regulations. Altimap land surveyors can also provide custom layout work upon request.


Altimap land surveyors also provide Condominium Plans which involve surveying and dividing a building or a group of buildings into individual units, commonly known as condos. The Condominium Plan shows the individual units, common areas, and any shared facilities such as parking lots and recreation areas.


At Altimap Land Surveyors, we understand that property line disputes and construction projects can be a source of stress for homeowners. That’s why we offer lot line staking services to help you gain peace of mind. Our boundary survey accurately confirms required property boundaries using survey monuments, spikes, stakes, and nails as appropriate. Our fieldwork is supervised by an Ontario Land Surveyor and is considered a legal boundary survey. Our services include necessary research, fieldwork, and calculations to mark the boundaries, but no plan is included. If you require a plan, we can recommend a Plan of Survey (POS) or a Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR).

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